Thursday, June 19, 2003

USS Clueless - Left and Right I've written about my own political point of view, where I made the comment that because I was a liberal, in the US in 2003 that made me a "conservative". The real problem here is that it's actually multidimensional. There's an axis which has "conservative" on it; there's an axis which has "liberal" on it. But they're orthogonal to one another.

The Pournelle Political Axes "Curious you should put it that way," I replied. "I wrote my dissertation in political science on a proof that the political spectrum has more than one dimension; that the old left-right category doesn't really work."
"Now there's a column," Jim said. And on reflection I agree. At least it makes a good appendix to my tirade on what's 'wrong with the social sciences.