Friday, July 25, 2003

Managing effort in volunteer organizations
One of the challenges in getting work done in volunteer outfits (say, churches) is that everyone is, well, a volunteer. They volunteered in and they can volunteer out. Rick Warren (no link) writes of the "Seven Principles for Every Church Project," and I think they would apply to secular, volunteer organizations as well. The principles are:

Participation: Work with those who want to work, ignore the ones who don't.

Keep it simple





Thursday, July 10, 2003

Listened to Victor Davis Hansen on the radio this morning. He has an interview with Peter Boyles and Governor Owens on 630 KHOW, discussing VDH's book "Conquest".

Basic gist is Western military will dominate, because of several cultural factors:
1. Technological edge, and willingness to embrace new technology.
2. Esprit de corps. Troops are fighting for ideals, not the boss.

Number 2 is also why the all-volunteer Army is much better than a draft Army.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Her rudeness, of course, was entirely understandable -- the politically correct are above the rules of ordinary civility, once they have identified you as an unbeliever in their religion.

But I still can't help but be appalled when I find people as morally stupid as this person was.

hhmm Orson Scott Card is a "Tony Blair" Democrat.What the hell does that mean?

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

(Captain's log): A retired Air Force officer writes:

Just a few comments about your article on Joint warfighting.

I have to agree with most of Den Bests comments. The Af is not as joint as they think.

Are You Animated, Stupid, Or Both?
To be a great philosopher, or at least a French one, you must sit around all day making love to your mind. For those of us who do not have all day, the best we can manage is to give our mind a quick, playful slap on the ass and maybe cop a feel or two. It was during one such session whilst trudging from my car to the elevator that I "developed" a little theory.

I believe that every male-male friendship in existence can be classified as one of the following: Tweedle-Dee & Tweedle-Dum, and Ren & Stimpy.

So, which of my relationships follow these? far too many.